Thursday, December 2, 2010

I read with every broken heart we should become more adventurous

I will forever love Rilo Kiley, Mason Jennings, and Josh Ritter. I feel like I could listen to them forever. I love when a certain lyric stands out, such as this line (which constitutes my blog title), from the Rilo Kiley song, More Adventurous. Oh Jenny Lewis, you are so wise.

Something I was reflecting on today is how people can kind of disappear out of your life. And how much you have to make the effort to keep someone there, and it's easy to let people slip away. Yet the ease in people slipping away can also help with the healing.

My heart is not broken at the moment; don't worry. I keep learning from each experience. Learning how to be who I'm supposed to be.
Biggest exciting news of the moment: I bought a ski pass to Sundance.
Biggest exciting news of the quarter (I have not posted since August):
1. I was engaged on facebook (cruel prank by some friends). Quite a reaction from my adoring fans.
2. I went to New York City to play, and I played hard.
Serendipity for pricey desserts with my bro, sister-in-law, and friend from Provo/Boise who randomly was also in Manhattan the same week as me. Oh Jetblue $160 SLC to NYC fares...
face down pictures: Columbia University, NYC. I still want to go to school there some day.
my fake engagement on the facebook and the explosion of reactions.

oh yeah, and I'm in grad school and teaching part time at the hippie charter school. Things are going pretty well with both of them. Heavily disenchanted at times from grad school, but most days I am glad I am still here.
working on being patient and letting the beauty of life unfold.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Well, I just realized I haven't blogged since DECEMBER. And it is nearly September. I am ridiculous. Or busy. Or something. is a photo taken by cousin Jennie that epitomizes Lake Powell. Here we are, about to embark on another round of TUBE WARS. Tube wars: two giant tubes pulled behind a powerful boat, 10-15 people, try to rip each other off the tube, no scratching, no pulling life jackets, no kicking, everything else is fair game. Aunt Elaine is in the background with the jet ski. She corrals the people who were mercilessly ripped off the tube. It is what we do in the family. Fight, commiserate, love, do it again.

Updates on life: I am feeling a bit stressed. Today is my wait what is going on this semester day. I am doing 3 big things and 3 side projects, but tend to ebb and flow into all big things or somewhat all big things.
3 big things: 1. GRAD SCHOOL! at the BYU (Provo for life), so it doesn't feel real still, though I started summer term. It is a program in Teacher Education. It is a part-time grad program for full-time teachers. What I plan on doing with it? Make education better in America. Too many kids hate school and drop out. Prison is preventative with more educational opportunities. What if schools were focused on students and student learning rather than bureaucracies, pensions, and politics? omg!
2. Teaching part-time at Walden (the hippie charter school in Provo). All of my classmates teach full-time, but I wasn't able to land a full-time job, but I am happy (I think) with the situation. I went to Turkey back in the day with this charter school, so I really like the school. It is Walden, School for the Liberal Arts, where it's more of a hands on education, Montessori K-12. Our first week of school was backpacking in the Uintas. I was the group leader for 10 high school boys (aged 14-18). They knew I grew up with 5 brothers and could handle it. It went better than I thought it would. About 9 miles altogether hiking in and out, so not too rough.
3. Being a research assistant at the BYU for 2 professors in the education department. They are also training me so I can teach an undergraduate class next spring term, maybs winter semester.
All of this starts this week.
3 minor things:
1. Gardening! I have been gardening all summer and it has been a dream. I work with about 20 people in a garden in west Provo. It is beautiful. Tomatoes and squash are our main commodities at present.
2. Provo Bike Committee! ( A little more productive than critical mass, we are working to have better relations between bikes and cars and Provo is on its way to becoming a more bike friendly and safer city. I am carless, so it has been nice commuting this summer around Provo. Walden is about 3 miles away, and with the ol' Peugeot, I am set for life.
3. The Upside ( I'm working to open a restaurant with some friends. Still not a tangible place yet, but we are on our way.

Plus friends, family, church, life. Things are always crazy town, but I think I like it that way. I find ways to be peaceful and hopeful in the everyday. Sun comes up and we start again.