Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It was the plow that broke the western plains, and it’s just my heart gets rejected by my veins

If you peruse my blog, you'll see that I post not too often. But most posts have been in December. I guess that's when I'm the most reflective, and find the heart to post some adventures.

Lived a song and Drove to Chicago in October.

Living the dream at summer concerts in SLC.
This photo sums up 3 great things: Mountain W. Burrito, my lil bro Adam as a freshman at the BYU with me, and my dear friend Whitney about to leave on her mission.
I went to Alaska this summer!
And San Francisco!
But Coyote Gulch stole my heart last April.

I taught another year at Walden, the hippie charter school. The first funny story that comes to mind was when I asked my junior high Utah Studies class who some famous Utahns were. And one student said David Enchilada. When we corrected him with Archuleta, instead of agreeing quickly, he became more adamant that it was enchilada. Then he asked why enchilada was so familiar, and using hand motions, I explained the tasty Mexican dish.

I also taught 1 class at the BYU, a multicultural education class for Elementary Education majors. So I got to sign emails, Prof. Litster.

Grad school. Part time. Finding time to work on my thesis always takes a back seat. When I have so many other immediate, pressing crises, thesis work doesn't make it. And writing is so painful for me. I'm trying to negotiate the balance of maintaining my voice in my writing, but also keeping it at an academic level and audience. But weaknesses can become strengths.

And I'm Relief Society president. Again. I'm a church leader of the women's organization in my neighborhood for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints of about 90 women. I have amazing counselors, other women who help me with the lessons, activities, and service for each other. My testimony and belief in Relief Society and the incredible good it can do because women are strong has grown so much these past few months.

Another this year milestone: I celebrated my 5 year anniversary of becoming vegetarian. I had a dinner party with some friends. One friend brought a card with a picture of puppies and kittens that read, "Thanks for not eating us!!" My order of vegetarianism priorities is 1. Environment 2. Health 3. Animal Rights. I'm grateful I have explored so many recipes and for spices. I've felt really peaceful the last few years with this "lifestyle choice" (as my mom put it, November 2006).

identity crisis fears: can I move on to the next step? what if I can't find a job? am I rejecting my present situation for the allure of the unknown, or should I stay put? or is that part of growing up and moving on, moving out? I've spent almost a third of my life in Provo, UT. I'm so grateful for the amazing people in my life.

New York City, you're so pretty...

I've been on a spiritual quest understanding women and Mormonism and feminism and marriage and it has been beautiful and enlightening. I feel so much peace. Dr. Valerie Hudson is my patron saint right now. I love this article: Please read.
and these two books: Women in Eternity, Women of Zion (Cassler & Sorenson) and The Veil Worker (Cordray).
It's been nice uncovering and realizing the secret fears I've had with marriage and motherhood.

A few truisms in my life:
be patient and let the beauty of life unfold

honoring your parents: live your life so they would be happy/proud of you

go confidently in the direction of your dreams, and you either achieve your dream or something else comes along

I'm not that big of a deal: I went through a season of feeling super obligated to go to everything someone invited me to. I don't have to. Simplify my life. But I also realized I can't resist fun.

josh ritter truisms: I'd rather be the one who loves than to be loved and never even know
Every heart is a package tangled up in knots someone else tied
Sometimes babe we all have to wait for love

favorite songs:
Sister Winter
Rivers & Roads
Call Your Girlfriend
Northern Lights
Everlasting Light
Breakin' Up

Concert of the year: Arcade Fire. My mom enabled fun and drove down my lil bro Adam from Boise to go to the show with me in Utah.

I'm headed to my old roommate's wedding in DC next week. I realized recently that I have adult friends. I keep forgetting that I'm an adult, but I have a few friends that I will be in touch with for life. Forever friends. My house has been the halfway home for a few friends the past few months, with a few comfy couches in the front room that transforms into the guest room. I have gratitude for the ways they've helped me grow. And I gain hope as I see where they've gone. That I can get out too. But I'm happy with the present as well.

Music has helped me stay happy. I do a lunchtimejamband with another teacher and a few students. A cello, accordian, guitar, guitar group. And I've instituted music nights on Sunday evenings, where friends come over and we play and sing. Last week we had a Christmas edition with 2 cellos, 2 ukuleles, 2 guitars, a banjo, a keyboard, and singers.

And these are some of my musings.

1 comment:

Buchfam said...

Carol Ann, do you know what? I love you! It is so fun to read this and hear your wisdom! Your life is going to be great because you are great! I am so glad to be your friend!